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Citrus Fruits

IV Hydration

Our IV Hydration service is the perfect way to replenish your body’s fluids and electrolytes. Our experienced medical team will provide you with a personalized IV hydration plan based on your needs. Your first visit requires a consultation with our medical doctor and lab work may be required. Enjoy the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to bring your body back to its optimal state.


Our IV Injectables are the perfect way to get the vitamins and minerals you need quickly. It provides a convenient way to receive the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and energized. With just one injection, you can get the same amount of vitamins and minerals that would normally take weeks of oral supplementation to achieve. 



 Zinc is essential for healthy skin and helps to reduce inflammation, soothe skin irritations, and promote collagen production. 



B-Complex is a powerful blend of essential B vitamins that can help support healthy energy levels, mood, and metabolism. 



Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the skin from environmental damage. It helps to reduce wrinkles, lighten age spots, and even out skin tone



NAD+ is a powerful supplement especially beneficial to those looking to improve their mental and physical performance, as well as reduce fatigue levels.  



B-12 is a perfect supplement for those looking to increase their energy levels, maintaining healthy brain function and improving mood, cognitive performance, and cardiovascular health. 



Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) is an essential vitamin that helps support a healthy nervous system and helps convert carbohydrates to energy. 



Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins providing the necessary nutrients for your body to produce collagen, elastin, and keratin.



Biotin is an essential vitamin that helps strengthen hair, nails, and skin. It is known for its ability to promote healthy hair growth, reduce hair loss, and improve the overall texture and elasticity of the skin. 



Benadryl is a great option for relieving the symptoms of allergies. It can be used to help reduce itching, sneezing, and watery eyes due to hay fever or other allergies. 




A MIC Lipotropic is a great choice for those looking to detoxify their body and promote healthy metabolism. 



 Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. 



 Vitamin D helps to regulate calcium absorption, which is important for strong bones and teeth, as well as supporting a healthy immune system.


We intend to take our vitamins and supplements daily however life gets in the way. Besides, when taking vitamins orally we are only absorbing 20% of what we are taking in. When you receive the Holy Grail of vitamins, an IV drip, you absorb 100% of the vitamins. Which vitamins are you missing?? 

Looking for a package? We got you covered!
A pile of tropical fruits


The Truth Drip is Veritas's Signature Drip. It offers an innovative way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Its unique blend of ingredients helps to boost energy, reduce inflammation, and improve overall wellbeing. This IV drip provides long-lasting hydration and nourishment, so you can feel your best. 


Model Posing


Snatch Pack Drip

Weight Loss Drip

This Weight Loss IV is designed to boost your metabolism, suppress your appetite, and help you achieve your weight loss goals. It is composed of a blend of vitamins and minerals that work together to reduce fat and promote a healthy lifestyle. The IV also helps to increase energy levels, improve digestion, and decrease water retention. 
Beauty Models


Beauty Cocktail

This Beauty IV Drip is designed to provide essential hydration and nutrients to the skin, giving it a healthy, luminous glow. It helps to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging, while also providing a burst of energy. The infusion of vitamins and minerals helps to boost the skin's firmness and elasticity, making it look and feel younger. This Beauty IV Drip is a great option for anyone looking to take their skincare routine to the next level.

Citrus Fruits


Immune Booster Cocktail

This IV is an immunity-boosting treatment that helps to protect your body from the effects of COVID-19. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will help to strengthen your immune system and increase your body's ability to fight off infections. This treatment also provides your body with a powerful dose of hydration, allowing you to stay energized and healthy. The COVID IV is a great way to ensure that you are protected from the effects of the virus and that you can stay healthy and active.
Workout with Kettlebells


Recovery & Performance 

Our Recovery and Performance IV is the perfect choice for athletes looking to maximize their performance and recovery. This IV is designed to replenish essential vitamins and minerals that are lost during intense physical activity, helping to reduce fatigue and muscle soreness. It also boosts energy levels and improves overall physical performance. Our Recovery and Performance IV is a great choice for athletes looking to get the most out of their workouts.
Pills on Spoons


Myers Cocktail 

The Myers Cocktail is a revitalizing infusion of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can provide a variety of benefits. It can be used to boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, improve immune system functioning, and even help with chronic conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, and migraines. It can also help with mental clarity and focus, making it the perfect way to pamper yourself and get a quick pick-me-up.
 Young Woman Contemplating


Fatigue Flights

The Fatigue IV is a perfect way to restore energy and vitality. This treatment helps to replenish electrolytes, reduce fatigue and restore hydration levels for a healthier, more energized body. It contains essential vitamins and minerals to help improve physical and mental performance, as well as boost the immune system. Enjoy the benefits of increased energy and improved wellbeing with this revitalizing IV infusion.

Travel Cocktail



This Travel IV Cocktail is perfect for travelers looking to stay energized and feeling their best before and after long trips. Packed with a combination of vitamins, electrolytes, and antioxidants, this cocktail helps to boost immunity, reduce fatigue, and counteract the effects of jet lag. It also helps to rehydrate your body and replenish vital nutrients after a long journey, leaving you feeling your best and ready to explore


Libido  Boost

The Libido IV is a powerful combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that can help boost libido and energy levels. It is designed to improve blood flow, reduce fatigue, and increase stamina and desire. This restorative blend of nutrients can help you feel more energized and invigorated, and can assist with improved sexual performance. The Libido IV is an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their overall wellbeing.
Healthy assortment of yellow foods



NAD+ is a revolutionary supplement that helps to restore the body's natural balance and promote overall wellbeing. It has numerous health benefits, including improving energy levels, aiding cognitive function, reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system. This natural supplement can help you feel energized, focused, and better able to handle stress. NAD+ is also a great way to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. Try NAD+ today and experience the amazing benefits it can have on your health and wellbeing.
Toxic Container


Food Poisoning/Stomach Bag

The Food Poision IV is a great way to help you recover quickly from food poisoning. This IV provides you with the essential vitamins and minerals needed to help your body fight off the infection, as well as electrolytes to help restore hydration. It also includes anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce symptoms and make your recovery more comfortable. With this IV, you'll be feeling better sooner and be able to get back to your regular routine.
Relaxing in Park


Calm. Cool &Collected Drip

This Cool, Calm & Collected IV Drip is specially formulated to provide an all-encompassing mental health boost. It contains a blend of vitamins and minerals designed to help reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive function, and increase energy levels. This drip is the perfect way to relax and reset your mind and body for an improved sense of well-being. Experience the profound benefits of this calming IV infusion for yourself and enjoy the feeling of being cool, calm and collected.


Migraine Relief 

This Migraine Releif IV is the perfect solution for anyone suffering from migraine headaches. It helps to reduce the intensity of migraines, alleviate symptoms, and increase energy levels. It provides a natural way to reduce inflammation and pain while helping to restore balance to the body. The IV also provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help support overall health and well-being.
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